Minecraft News

Minecraft 1.15.2

We are now releasing 1.15.2 which tweaks some behaviours and fixes a few bugs. We expect this to be the last release for 1.15. Next up, Nether!

  • Bees no longer anger when a nearby nest/hive is destroyed using a silk touch tool
  • Added doPatrolSpawning and doTraderSpawning game rules that control spawning of patrols and wandering traders, respectively
  • Added gui_light option in block models to allow controlling light when rendering model as item in -
    • Controls light when rendering block model inside slot. If set to side, model will be rendered like block. If set to front, model is shaded like flat item
  • Any birch or oak sapling grown near a flower within 2 blocks distance on the same y-level has a 5% chance of having a bee nest
  • Bee Nests now have a 2% chance of spawning in Flower Forests
  • Bee Nests now have a 0.2% chance of spawning in Forest, Wooded Hills, Birch Forest, Tall Birch Forest, Birch Forest Hills, and Tall Birch Hills biomes
  • Fixed bugs

Keep on mining!

Written on February 7, 2020